Friday, September 18, 2015

Entry - September 18, 1936

8.00 The buzz saw broke down today. We had to saw wood with a cross cut saw for the kitchen. It sure did seem funny sawing with a hand saw after all these months with a machine.


Comments from Chris

One of the things the CCC was working on was removing burnt trees from the area close to the camp. The Apgar flats area had been burned by a fire in 1929. Many thought the remains of the trees were unsightly, so they set to cutting them down. 

This was a time in history where people were just changing over to caring about leaving the park in its natural state. I mentioned some of this in the August 18th post. It wasn't too long before Robert's time that animals considered unwelcome park inhabitants were hunted. Other desirable animals we fed and encouraged to stay. In the decades ahead this would change and the park would be allowed to go back to a more natural state. No more "Feed the Bears" signs.

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