Friday, August 14, 2015

Entry - August 14, 1936

8.00 P.M. What a day! I had to argue with every guy on my crew today to get them to work. I sent one in to the army and they sent him home. Had another fire today but I was lucky to get out of going. Mansfield went out on a lookout today to chase smoke.


Comments from Chris

The army was ultimately in charge of the CCC and unlike the military, it was easy enough to kick people out. I wonder if the recent fire fighting has taken a toll on morale.

I thought this photo would go along with taking out some frustration. 

Robert smiling in the back row above the left boxers right glove
From Robert's CCC Photo Collection


  1. So I guess when the guys got sent home, they were without a job.

  2. Coming out of the CCC was much like the leaving the military. You could have honorable and dishonorable discharges. Either way you would be looking for a job once you left, but tours in the CCC were a very positive thing to have on your resume. Some of this will be covered in a future post.
